This is a full listing of current and past Tamiya 1/16th Radio Control scale tanks.

All parts are 10% less than the list price on

We will beat any advertised price on Ebay by 5%

All parts can be ordered and prepaid to secure. 

Please submit an email with the following for a parts order:

1) A list of the parts you want including the description & quantity requested

2) Paypal Email Address

3) Country of Origin to give a proper shipping quote

A reply is typically given within 24 to 48 hours.

-We do not ship to Italy, Russia or Africa unless you are previously approved by us.

-All orders in the United States are sent through the US Postal Service & international are sent by Air Mail through the US Postal Service.

Leopard A4                                56002


Gepard                                        56003

Tiger 1                                         56010

Sherman                                     56014

Pershing                                      56016


King Tiger                                     56018

Leopard A6                                   56020

German Panther Type G                 56022

German Jagdpanther                      56024

German Panzer IV                          56026